Thursday, January 1, 2009

A quick comment for the Greek Anarchists

My hope and heart is with you, my brothers in the Greek Anarchy movement. keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

A not so quick comment about Grigoroupoulous and the situation in Greece.

I am really happy that we dont have this left wing shit here in Romania.
As a matter of fact right wing is pretty strong and we stopped many of anrachists/antifa movements from their start.

First of all , i am sorry that this kid got killed. I dont enjoy death of any individual (anarchist , antifa , gipsy or whatever).
well...maybe for gipsies ..a little :-D

The guilty person for his death is my opinion his mother. She should have spanked him big time after finding what this kiddo is all about.
She should have obliged him to have a decent haircut too.
But it's too late now!
Because teenagers have wild ideas/
Everybody passes through a time in their life when they are confused and this confusion manifests itself sometimes through rebellion.
A role model (usually a parent) is needed most in these periods.

I dont find it normal for a 15-year old to throw stones and Molotov Cocktails at cops cars.

Imagine yourself in policemen's shoes. How would you react if molotov cocktails are thrown at you on a daily basis? Sometimes you SNAP.

Rarely a violence change everything for better. A change (in society or whatever) comes from slow , constructive steps taken by societies' members.
I've been to Greece and i dont think that actual social system is bad. Maybe it needs improvement , but the solution is not Molotov Cocktail.

In my opinion policemen were right.
In a society in which LAW is not respected and feared , there will be no evolution.

Youngsters from today will have a different point of view if they would had lived in a communist country with a big represive system like i had. Police from today is like tooth-fairy compared to the militia from those times.



Romania Blood&Honour

CODE said...

Thank you for your comment Anonymous. I wish I could see YOUR blog but it seems you forgot to post with a proper name. Altho I disagree with more of this comment I do find trueth in your saying "A change (in society or whatever) comes from slow , constructive steps taken by societies' members."

PunkRider said...

Now you know me!

The Red Son said...

Yah Punk Rider, thank god Romania is keeping the those anti-fascists in place. Now Fascism can flourish! Please...

PunkRider said...

Red Son , go and ask citinzenship in North Korea! :-D

Live there a year if you can come back to the States let me know how it was!


Romania Blood&Honour

CODE said...

He was obviously being sarcastic and you just shot down your own opinion.

PunkRider said...

I didnt shot my own opinion.

My red comrade , you seem to be very confused about what fascist really means!

I've seen you are classifying as fascist many individuals or regimes that are dictatorial or by any other means not according to your views.

I assure you they are not.(here i include north-korean regime).

Au-contraire, the north-korean regime is pretty close (from idealogical point of view) to what your cuban idols fought for.

I recommend you read more on what fascism is all about , so you won't make a foul of yourself while arguing.(you can start with the wikipedia article).


Romania Blood&Honour

CODE said...

I've read enough fascist literature to solidify my knowloedge and even if north-korea isn't directly fascist, they deserve to be classified with them. I'm not here to compair book reviews with you and if thats what you want to do than go get someone else because I've read almost all of it and it wasn't so good.

CODE said...

I see very few similaritys between my own ideology and that of jong-il. Please point out a few.

PunkRider said...

sorry , now i'm just in the mood for insults ;-)

PunkRider said...

Ok so you want to know the connection between North Korean regime and Marxism.

Enjoy the reading:

It seems that marxist-leninist teachings spawned some ideological movements that are more represive even than the fascist ones.

And let me tell you one more thing:
i'm not either nazist nor fascist.

I'm nationalist and i admire capitalism. That's it.
And ocassionaly (for a good reason) racist. :-)

The Red Son said...

"Many commentators, journalists, and scholars outside North Korea equate Juche with Stalinism and call North Korea a Stalinist country. Some specialists have argued otherwise and have attempted to characterize the North Korean state as corporatist, fascist, guerrillaist, monarchist, neo-capitalist, and theocratic."

Stalinism is a corrupted form of Marxism. The article you link to did more to discredit your argument than to support it. It is pretty clear that North Korea is not Marxist, at least in not any meaningful way.

PunkRider said...

Red son , the ones saying that North Korean regime is :

"corporatist, fascist, guerrillaist, monarchist, neo-capitalist, and theocratic"

are out of their fucking mind.

In North Korean there is no private property as i know , so we cannot talk about corporations and capitalism.
Monarchist?? i didnt know that North Korea has a king.
guerrillaist? You're the guerrila warfare specialist here. You tell me.It only supports my view.

To me it's pretty clear that the regime is marxim-gone-wild or marxism on steroids.

CODE said...

Marxism is everything is everyone's nut north korea is everything belongs to the "supreme leader".

CODE said...
