Saturday, January 10, 2009

Steal This Wiki

Steal this wiki is "a collaborative update and rewrite of Abbie Hoffman's seminal work, Steal This Book" It's packed with valueable modern information based on the sections of Steal This Book aswell as the orginal Steal This Book. I encourage everyone working in the revolution to take a look at it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fasci$t list 5

Fasci$t List 5

Rod Blagojevich

John Ashcroft

Karl Rove

Donald Rumsfeld

Brent Scowcroft

Marlon Fitzwater

Mike Huckabee

Rupert Murdoch

Roger Ailes

Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani

Major John Brooks

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just a few of the Innocent Comrades Slain by the CIA and NSA

Just a Few of the Innocent Comrades Slain by the CIA and NSA
Che Guevara
The Bill of Rights
Yvonne Fletcher
Gary Webb
Abbie Hoffman

A quick comment for the Greek Anarchists

My hope and heart is with you, my brothers in the Greek Anarchy movement. keep up the good work!